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REED-L  July 1998

REED-L July 1998


Early Modern Literary Studies: Opening for an Associate Editor (iEMLS) (fwd)


Abigail Ann Young <[log in to unmask]>


REED-L: Records of Early English Drama Discussion


Mon, 20 Jul 1998 11:05:13 -0400





text/plain (241 lines)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 12:41:41
From: "R.G. Siemens, Editor, EMLS" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Early Modern Literary Studies: Opening for an Associate Editor (i=

[x-posted; please excuse duplication]

Early Modern Literary Studies: Opening for an Associate Editor (iEMLS)

EMLS is currently seeking an Associate Editor, who will share=20
responsibilities for the Interactive section of the journal. The=20
position will begin in late September 1998.

Interactive EMLS (iEMLS) intends to explore the potential of=20
the internet as a scholarly medium. It has done so by

        - offering a venue for circulating useful information widely=20
                and quickly, as in our sections for Calls for Papers and=20
                Conference Materials;
        - supporting scholarly resources, such as the *Milton Quarterly*
                Relational Database and the *SHAKSPER* Discussion=20
                List Archive;
        - providing the means for scholars to interact closely, regardless=
                of geographical distance, with such projects as the=20
                Virtual Seminar.

We are presently building upon this base, especially so in areas related to
the model of interactivity provided by the Virtual Seminar.

The Associate Editor maintains existing iEMLS features while=20
planning, consulting with others, and implementing new features=20
-- fully sharing associated tasks and duties with another Associate=20
Editor (the position is split between two editors). He or she devotes=20
approximately four hours per week to these duties and will be required=20
to have a good knowledge of early modern English literature and a=20
demonstrated competence in HTML, as well as a good knowledge of=20
internet publishing tools such as FrontPage (or the willingness to learn=20

Should you be interested in being considered for this position, please
send a cover letter and vita to:

        R.G. Siemens, Editor
        Early Modern Literary Studies
        Department of English
        3-5 Humanities Centre
        University of Alberta
        Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. T6G 2E5.=20

        Electronic Mail: [log in to unmask]
        Fax: (403) 492-8142

Review of candidates will begin in mid-August.

About EMLS

          EMLS (ISSN 1201-2459) is published three times a year
          for the on-line academic community by agreement with,
          and with the support of, the University of Alberta's
          Department of English. EMLS is indexed by the MLA
          International Bibliography, the Modern Humanities
          Research Association's Annual Bibliography of English
          Language and Literature (ABELL), the Canadian Index
          (CBCA), Web-Cite, the Lycos and InfoSeek indexing
          services and others, as well as being linked to
          resource pages of scholarly journals, libraries,
          educational institutions, and others worldwide.

          EMLS does not appear in print form, but can be obtained
          free of charge in hypertextual format on the World Wide
          Web at


          The EMLS site is mirrored at Oxford University. EMLS is
          a participant in the National Library of Canada's
          Electronic Publications Pilot Project, where it is also
          archived; it is also archived by the Committee on
          Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Electronic Journals

          Contact us!

             * Journal Information, Comments, Mailing List: For
               more information, to join our mailing list, or to
               offer your comments on EMLS, please contact our
               Assistant Editor, Sean Lawrence, at
               [log in to unmask]
             * Site Information, Comments, &c.: All
               correspondence pertaining to our site may be sent
               our Associate Editor, Paul Dyck, at
               [log in to unmask]
             * Editor: Correspondence to the Editor may be sent
               to [log in to unmask]
             * Hard-copy correspondence may be addressed to:
                  o Early Modern Literary Studies, Department of
                    English, 3-5 Humanities Centre, University of
                    Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. T6G 2E5.
                  o Fax: (403) 492-8142.

     Editorial Group

          The EMLS Editorial Group is representative of the
          on-line academic community as a whole and includes
          scholars with wide-ranging interests and experience,
          from junior to well-established senior academics.

          Senior Editorial and Advisory Board:

             * Gordon Campbell, University of Leicester
             * Hardy M. Cook III, Bowie State University
             * Patricia Demers, University of Alberta
             * Roy Flannagan, Ohio University
             * W. L. Godshalk, University of Cincinnati
             * Ian Lancashire, New College, University of Toronto
             * Graham Parry, University of York, England
             * Paul G. Stanwood, University of British Columbia

          Advisory Editors:

             * John Archer, University of New Hampshire
             * Patricia Badir, University of British Columbia
             * Richard W. Bailey, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
             * Glenn Black, Oriel College, Oxford
             * Ronald Bond, University of Calgary
             * Luc Borot, Centre d'Etudes et de R=E9cherches sur la
                       Renaissance Anglaise, Universit=E9 Paul-Valery,
                       Montpellier, France
             * Douglas Bruster, University of Texas, San Antonio
             * Thomas Corns, University of Wales, Bangor
             * Peter Donaldson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
             * A.S.G. Edwards, University of Victoria
             * Jane Finnan, University of Toronto
             * Antonia Forster, University of Akron
             * John K. Hale, University of Otago, New Zealand
             * Robert S. Knapp, Reed College
             * F.J. Levy, University of Washington
             * Lawrence Manley, Yale University
             * John Manning,University of Wales, Lampeter
             * Mark Morton, University of Winnipeg
             * Stephen Orgel, Stanford University
             * Milla Riggio, Trinity College, CT
             * Alan Rudrum, Simon Fraser University


             * Raymond G. Siemens, University of Alberta


             * Joanne Woolway, Oriel College, Oxford (On leave,
               Fall 1997 - )

          Associate Editors:

             * Paul Dyck, University of Alberta (Interactive
             * Lisa Hopkins, Sheffield Hallam University

          Assistant Editors:

             * James Doelman, McMaster University (Reviews)
             * Sean Lawrence, University of British Columbia
             * Mathew Martin, University of Alberta (Dialogues)

          Editorial Assistants:

             * Kim Yates, University of Toronto
             * Laura Bonikowsky, University of Alberta
             * Jennifer Lewin, Yale University

          Electronic Editors:

             * Richard Bear, University of Oregon (Managing
                       Editor, Discussion Groups)
             * David L. Gants, University of Georgia (Managing
                       Editor, Electronic Texts)
             * Joseph Jones, University of British Columbia
             * Jeff Miller, University of British Columbia
             * David Radford, University of Alberta (Site
             * David Thomson, University of British Columbia
             * C. Perry Willett, Indiana University (Managing
                       Editor, On-line Resources)

     Submission Information

          EMLS invites contributions of critical essays on
          literary topics and of interdisciplinary studies which
          centre on literature and literary culture in English
          during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
          Contributions, including critical essays and studies
          (which must be accompanied by a 250 word abstract),
          bibliographies, notices, letters, and other materials,
          may be submitted to the Editor by electronic mail at
          [log in to unmask] or by regular mail to Early Modern
          Literary Studies, Department of English, 3-5 Humanities
          Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
          Canada, T6G 2E5.

          Electronic mail submissions are accepted in ASCII
          format. Regular mail submissions of material on-disk
          are accepted in ASCII, Wordperfect, or Microsoft Word
          format; hard-copy submissions must be accompanied by
          electronic copies, either on-disk or via electronic
          mail, and will not be returned. All submissions must
          follow the current MLA Handbook, in addition to the
          following conventions used by Early Modern Literary
          Studies for ASCII text: <b>bold text</b> is indicated
          by tags which surround the text that is to appear in
          bold, likewise with <i>italicized text</i>,
          <u>underlined text</u>, and <sup>superscript</sup>;
          superscript is used for note numbers in the text, and
          notes themselves appear at the end of the document. A
          document outlining the representation of non-ASCII
          characters is available on-site or by request.

          Reviews and materials for review may be sent to Lisa
          Hopkins, the Associate Editor (Reviews), at
          [log in to unmask] or by regular mail to the School
          of Cultural Studies, Sheffield Hallam University,
          Collegiate Crescent Campus, Sheffield, UK, S10 2BP.
          Please note that all unsolicited materials sent to EMLS
          for the purposes of review must be plainly marked with
          the word "Donation" on the front of the mailing cover.

          Brief hard-copy correspondence may also be sent by fax
          to (403) 492-8142.

          Materials published in EMLS are =A9 R.G. Siemens (Editor,

          For more information regarding submission of materials,
          send a message to our Assistant Editor, Sean Lawrence,
          at [log in to unmask]

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