

Hi Dale,

I've just returned to the list, too. after a hiatus for the same reason.

If you can get hold of a copy, the November issue of the Action Reporter
prinred a transcript of Dr. Fischbach's testimony before Specter's committee
which speaks to your inquiry, as well as an arricle abosut Fox and
Samuelson's meetimg with Congressional leaders.  Fischbach's testimony was
so moving I read it to my support group.  I told them at the beginning that
it would bring a smile to their faces; instead I ended up crying!

If you're not able to locate a copy, let me know and I'll fax it to you.



>From: Dale Severance <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Some Great Events are taking Place
>Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 05:10:34 -0500
>Dear Friends I have been off the list for about six months having been
>previously on for over  three years. I just could not sort thru all the
>news even if it just amounted to hitting the delete button.  But in any
>a momentous meeting occurred in Washington with leading  researchers, Dr.
>Fishbach and other governmental employees and private and non governmental
>agencies or groups.
>As I understand the situation a collaborative effort by all present was
>devoted to setting forth a  cohesive plan to find a cure in 5 years.
>Perhaps one of the groups that attended will set forth for us in detail
>There is a lot going on that doesn't always get filtered down to our level.
>Dale Severance  14/59  Syracuse  New York

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