

Dear cyber-uncle Don,  loving caregiver (and wife) Vivian, and List,

Don said this near the end of his message:
"the day will come. you got to believe."

I've been somewhat weary , a little bit out in the ozone lately,
and was truly amazed at all the prayers and ideas you all have
today, about my situation. Thank you.

Don's advice is precious to me.
He is saying to be positive, not to give up.

Well, I read it, and this is what I just thought up, and did:

I just PHONED the Governor of Maine,  Angus King Jr., at home.
In recent years I have come to know him, having helped him to draft
a substantial part of his Parkinson's Awareness Month Resolutions (April)
in 1997 and  1998, and with the additional support of the Maine Parkinson
parts of the 1999 Resolution.

I am very fortunate to know,also, Angus's wife, Mary. She is a friend
of a wonderful Portland artist and pottery-maker, Toby Rosenberg, who
first helped me get
in touch with the Kings when they are busy at home in Brunswick.
So I just spoke with Angus, and asked him  to help get this battle
settled. I told
him about my medical condition.  He responded very warmly.

  The bottom line is that I have always struggled to have an agreement
with Portland, not a disagreement.

Angus said that he will find someone in his Augusta office who can help.
He said to expect a call tomorrow.

I am going to trust  him. He will know about PIEnet soon.
There's just one thing I don't understand

 You guys sure acted FAST. Who says we PWP's are
slow?? This PIEnet is life-saving.    I think you are all AMAZING.
Thank  you.

Ivan Suzman
Happy New Year

On Sun, 2 Jan 2000 10:24:01 -0500 Don McKinley <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>well i am going to make long standing rule i made to all on the LIST.
>MEDS.RELIGION. it is IVAN. we been friends on the LIST for years. lot
>line too. we talked by phone and he told me lot off line about
>himself. (SNIPPED)