

So here I am, with this allegedly wonderful tape about
DAPS that Art H. so kindly sent to me, and I go to turn
on my VCR which has never given me a moments
trouble in the 4 years I've had it (heck - the only thing I
ever use it for is to watch the occasional rented video,
'cause like 9/10 of the rest of the world, I haven't a CLUE
on how to even set the clock, much less record
anything) <grin>

I digress.... Anyway, I've got this video which I REALLY
wanna see, and find my VCR to be dead-in-the-water,
with consensus of opinion that the VCR is a victim of
the Y2K bug.  And I've gotta laugh at my response
which was "Thank goodness it wasn't my computer!

After being off-line for over a month while
moving/remodeling. I've come to the conclusion that
the only thing I'd miss more than my PC would be the
quick-dry fingernail polish that made if possible to
brush on a coat of nail polish  and immediately go to
bed without the hear of finding my fingernails imprinted
with the fine cross hatching of the linen pattern etched
into the polish (OK... so this is a gal-type-thing, fellas) <grin>

I've gotta go now as throw the VCR against
the wall another time (that "last resort cure" does
the job in a surprising number of cases
(OK.... ok.... so this is another "gal-type way to
handle a technical problem) <faking a becoming blush>

A Happy New Year to you all...

Barb Mallut
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