

Thank Heavens for people like you,
 You are saying  exactly
what i have been trying to say
saying it clear
saying it succinctly
and saying it (i hope) so that
people will hear.
If we took the money we collected
from Pennies for Parkinson's
from walkathons
from tulip sales
(maybe some groups already do this)
and just invested it in CDs -
i am not advocating that we gamble
or speculate - just a savings account in the bank
for a little bit of interest - we would have
e'nuff money to pay for Ivan's lawyers
and probably hel out a few others with family emergencies -
who cant afford a DBS or pallidotomy, for incense
Or give a loan to someone who's widiw;s pension
is suddenly cancelled for no apparent reason
and who has no other source of income
 until SSI kicks in
It seems to me that some of the aims
 of the Parkinson's Awareness Campaigns are altruistic -
 but they forget the individuals needs,
the day to day struggle s of the man in the street.
Large, astronomical sums of money
 to build huge centres are all very well -
but that does not put food on the plates
of the people who have none
We need both
Of course , i am not saying,
Stop research, and care for the little man.
I am saying, Hurry up with that research,
 but care for me too,
so that i can be there
to partake of that cure
when it comes

May the last year of the century
Be the first year of the cure

Hilary blue (50/33/24)

PS i am not deleting any parrt of your letter, becuase it warrants readinig
agaiin, and again

Kathie J Creveling wrote:
> I am just not able to get Ivan and his situation off my mind. I know that
> someday, it could well be myself in his shoes. I have no retirement and if I
> stop working, no income. Unless I stop at a time when SSDI would pick me up.
> I don't know how likely or dislikely that is for Parkinson's Patients since
> I have not wanted to be at a point of needing to stop work.
> My question is this....
> Does the APDA or Parkinson's National Foundation not have a program to aid
> or assist those who have this situation going on? There are many ways that
> they could be of service;
> 1.    Supply Association Support ( we must have lobbiest in the right places
> by now)
> 2.    Supply a Name list of Lawyers in a certain area that specialize or at
> least are familiar with such cases
> 3.    Have fundings that are donated to them put for use in assisting with
> some legal costs associated with keeping home or getting on to SSDI.
> If we can not find various ways to help Ivan... beyond petition ( which I
> have signed and agree with), then we can all see that no matter how Public
> figures stand up for us... we, the small, will fall ( no pun inteneded).
> Lets see if there are ways to get the Associations involved with hearing our
> voice.
> I am new to list serve ( one week) and to Parkinson's ( two months), so I am
> a babe in the woods when it comes to what so many of you have known for so
> many years. Still, being fresh, some of us may come up with a question that
> may not have been answered prior.
> Second question is...
> Does anyone know of any home-improvement grants out there for those with
> Parkinson's enabling them to put in ramps, railings etc. to make the home
> more functionable for us?
> I want to thank all of you for your comments and just being on line. I have
> only been here a week and some of you I am beginning to know a bit. Ivan's
> situaiton has me worried sick. Where is our government at a time like this?
> We will give aid to all the other countries, pay Russia millions and
> millions for their cost in military pay etc. but we can't assist our people
> who are down on their luck here from something they had no hand in? We can't
> find a way to assist this man and others in like situaiton so they can have
> the one thing that means everything to them? Where's my soap-box? I have
> never been the type to stand up and shout over the crowds... but I can see
> how so many persons with chronic illness of one kind or another can be in
> this situation. At a time when our bodies are already betraying us, our
> energy is lower then ever and we just don't have that old get up and go to
> get this done. There must be some ways that are out there that we have not
> found, if not... it is time to create some.
> Love to all of you.... I like this because it is where I find those still
> fighting and asking and answering and not giving up.
> Kathie Creveling        [log in to unmask]
> Norman Oklahoma