

My heart goes out to you and your husband. We had the situaiton with my
mother-in-law... she got to where she yelled at us that we were her jailers
and no longer her family. Still, since we brought her home to live with us,
we had a responsibility to keep her safe and others from her illness. This
was back many years ago and there was not many support groups available. I
began reading and found that we needed to take charge.

It was so very hard to walk away from her crying from hurt, her yelling at
us or her withdrawn behavior. It was always one or the other when we had to
take another step or re-enforce one already made. She would light one
cigarett while she had another in the ash tray and still another in the
other room. When we took her cigarettes away and gave them to her one at a
time, she really rebelled on us. Aggitation is mild to what she did.
Bitting, yelling, scratching and threatening to leave when we were sleeping.
We had to sleep in shifts to watch her. She got to where she cat-napped
through the day and night. Made no difference to her.

My point in all this is what the others have said... Tough Love is sometimes
what we have to do. Take his keys, have a copy of the police report and send
a copy to the hospital or his doctor. Request that there be a review of his
condition immediately and get this out of the way. Have the Hospital and Law
be the bad guys with you only following directions ( if that would be better
for you). With all you are going through, you do not need this added stress.

While you are at work, will you need to have someone come in and be with
him? Are there any adult care facilities around that he could go to while
you are working? Sometimes it helps since he is then in a social

I now have PD myself and am trying to prepare for the future while I am
still reasonable. Hearing this information from so many is helpful to me as
well since it clarifies even more the possibilities that my family will have
to go through. My heart goes out to you both. My prayers are many for you.
Hang in there and continue to keep us informed on the list. Good Luck