

I don't see a conspiracy as much as I see a system.

A reminder--there are leading edge and spin off companies that
have some incredible potential.   I've seen half a dozen reported
 in the scientific announcements on this list.  If you want to support their stock :-)

When I worked in research labs I saw a number of new technologies
and the startup companies (70's).  Medtronics rented space in our facility,
in collaboration with the U, while they built their own labs for pace
maker development.  Satellite digital imaging (now taken for granted
with every weather report).  Various drugs we now take for granted.
The list of course is long. Kick myself time.

A story was once told about one of our lab techs (60's) that moved
to a job in Chicago with experience in turkey fertility studies.
Later he bought into the world's first commercial sperm bank...
and you guessed it -- got rich.

There are companies out there that would be glad to market "the cure".
I'm sure their stock would skyrocket.

Some bigger companies may prefer the stability of the status quo, but,
most of their stability is in diversity, many products, marketing
infrastructure, etc.  Losing some to an upstart won't put them out of business.

I'd better quit going on and go do some chores.

Arthur Hirsch wrote:

> Charlie,
> I see no conspiracy in regards to palliations versus a cure.  I see a person


> Change is perceived as our ally.  Going fast on a cure is what we need.  We
> have to continue to work together.  It is the sum of the needs of many
> thousands of us PWP's.  Do we have a conspiracy to speed the cure?  Perhaps we
> should.  Perhaps we do.
> Art



                             Ray Strand
                 mailto:[log in to unmask]

...on the edge  of the prairie abyss ......................

farm boy
dome builder
insulation foreman
surgery lab tech
computer programmer
oncocytogenetic lab supervisor
custom portable sawmill owner
theatre sceneshop supervisor
art furniture designer