

It was from me and in response to the "zinger" Greg wrote to Rita for
voicing her "Republican" opinion and then another off list one to me for
being republican.  I took my objection off list to spare the rest, and I
had no idea that Greg was so fragile.  I shall cease and desist.

I am sorry


CG for Mom


                    Greg Sterling                                                                  
                    <[log in to unmask]>          To:     [log in to unmask]             
                    Sent by: "Parkinson's        cc:                                               
                    Information Exchange         Subject:     Off-list harassment                  
                    <[log in to unmask]                                                          
                    01/04/00 09:13 AM                                                              
                    Please respond to                                                              
                    Information Exchange                                                           

    I won't reveal who this is from, but this is the  price one pays for
speaking out or trying to invoke some discussion.   Some narrow-minded
people believe differing opinions are a direct insult.   They erroneously
assume that the author of these opinions holds those  beliefs.  I guess it
takes all kinds.


One of many emails received off-list:

     "As quite as this mail list can get,  it seems that you are the only
that has a problem with the views and  opinions of others.  Is that a part
of being democratic?  Of course  it is not.  I felt like saying that in
response to your insult to  me.  Are your views the only ones that matter
you.  Rita posted  a great "opinion" and there you go with your zingers
again!  I'd suggest  that you lighten up and let some other opinions into
your little  mind!"