Having different opinions is the way of knowledge. Listening is the way to learn. We don't always have to agree. We may totally disagree at times. But we all must respect the right of difference. My Pop (God rest his soul) would give a bit of a laugh and say... viva la' difference!!!!!  This time in our lives, we should not worry about how others view us. We should just do the best we can. When others send us messages of finger shaking or such, we just have to smile and know that this is their way of staying in  touch and able to be heard. We have such a lack of control in our lives at this time, that writing our opinons on line sometimes brings out our anger, frustration and fears with out meaning to sound so. We are not able to hear one's voice or see the look in the eye as a statement is being made, so it is difficult to always access the exact tone or meaning of a statement. We are all good people with many different ways of living and looking at things. Parkinson's, or any other chronic illness does not mean we all feel the same.
As you said in your note...It does take all kinds. Thank Goodness, we live where we can have all kinds.
Kathie Crevleing  [log in to unmask]
----- Original Message ----
From: [log in to unmask]>Greg Sterling
To: [log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 7:13 AM
Subject: Off-list harassment

    I won't reveal who this is from, but this is the price one pays for speaking out or trying to invoke some discussion.  Some narrow-minded people believe differing opinions are a direct insult.  They erroneously assume that the author of these opinions holds those beliefs.  I guess it takes all kinds.
One of many emails received off-list:

     "As quite as this mail list can get, it seems that you are the only one
that has a problem with the views and opinions of others.  Is that a part
of being democratic?  Of course it is not.  I felt like saying that in
response to your insult to me.  Are your views the only ones that matter to
you.  Rita posted a great "opinion" and there you go with your zingers
again!  I'd suggest that you lighten up and let some other opinions into
your little mind!"