


Those of you who have been following my online Parkinson's Disease
diary, know that I have been preoccupied with how the disease is
affecting my running.  "Preoccupied!"  Hrumph!  More like a whining
crybaby!  (I should mention that I probably will keep on complaining,

I know, intellectually at least, that this is a battle that I'm
destined to lose.  I will eventually be unable to run.  This is only
the first of many such battles, all of which I will lose, barring the
elusive "breakthrough cure."  But all battles consist of many
skirmishes and smaller engagements.  I may be destined to lose the
battles and the war, but I can and will still win some of the
skirmishes.  And, by God, I plan to enjoy doing so!

On Monday the 27th of December I had one of these "minor victories."
I did a run that I thought was beyond me already, along the beach in
Fort Myers, Florida, where I was for our annual family Christmas
get-together.  12 miles was at one time a nice medium length run.
Now it is at the limit of my abilities, and many rest stops are
required to keep my left leg even half-way functional.  But I did it!
Part of the "trick" was taking lots of photos along the route.  This
gave me an acceptable reason for stopping and resting.  It worked.
As a result I ended up 12 miles later tired and sore and in
possession of about 75 photos.

I'd like to share this little victory with you.  I've put together 44
of the photos on 4 web pages.  4 of the 44 are multi-photo panoramas.
The pages have small thumbnails of the photos in-line so they will
load fairly quickly.  You can determine from the thumbnail whether
you want to see the full sized photo.  If you do, just click on the
thumbnail itself.

I hope you enjoy the photo essay as much as I did the run!  The URL
of the first page is:

(who will be found at the FEBA until the final battle)

Bill Innanen                     <mailto: [log in to unmask]>
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