

Hi Dennis.... <waving>

I looooove my new home, 'n thanks for asking.  As for the
contractor finishing everything, well, it's more like did he
finish even ONE thing?

The answer to that is a resounding "NO!"   However, an outstanding
handyman was referred to me, and HE's been completing each project
I come up with (and hasn't made TOO many wise cracks about me
being the most left-handed person he's EVER built "lefty-style"
things for (Ok.... ok..... so the REST of the world'll feel a
little off-balance, but a fellow southpaw'd feel right at home!)

AND (pssst)  <whispering> Actually, I kinda over-did it with the
yellow paint , but if you don't tell, I won't tell, and maybe no
one'll notice? <giggle>

As doe Ivan and the rest of the world, well, life must be one long
constant battle for him, going by his posts.  He seems to have
lots more lemons than lemonade to deal with.   Plus he has found
he can milk the List members for a few bucks every so often be
telling us all some terrible tragedy is about to befall him.  Or
rather, he gets his "staff" of 3 or 4 sycophants to post saying he
needs money and THEY solicit funds for him. (knee-jerking yet?)

Right after his fire I felt soooo sorry for him that I whipped out
my check book and dropped a check in the mail to him, little
realizing that I was expected  to continue that practice for the
duration of is and/or my life!

Needless to say, when I realized THAT, that was definitely the
ONLY money he'll get from MOI!   Sheepish!  HE's getting a larger
SSDI stipend than _I_ am and I'm sending HIM money? WHAT is wrong
with THIS picture?!?!?!?

BOY!!  Is my knee jerking NOW.....

Errrrrr.... this IS just between US, right, Dennis?  I don't wanna
feel like a fool (and I do) before God and the rest of the world
for being suckered into sending Ivan $$

Take care now, ya hear?

Barb M.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Nestler <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: Open letter to NPF, and Mr. Larry Hoffheimer

>Hi Barb,
>How do you like your new home now?  Any problems the builder
needs to fix?
>But isn't a new place great?
>I read the letter Ivan sent you, be careful of those "knee-jerk
>you could hurt yourself.  Just when did you "attack me in public"
as Ivan
>said.  I bet you brought your right knee up under his chin.
>I too got an Ivan letter for my one sentence.  As follows.
>From:   [log in to unmask] (Ivan M Suzman)
>To: [log in to unmask]
>I stilll hurt. Why do you need to sugar-coat the truth? I
>will stop only when the NPF   responds with a fair offer.
>Or do you want Mr. Hoffheimer to look too good? I hope
>you'll reconsider.  Your post only makes things worse
>for us PWP's. We should show a united face as a comm-UNITY at all
>Time for bed