

hello all,
i don't mean to interfere, but many of the message i received on this
listserv have bothered me.  i am trying to learn more about parkinson's
disease, new treatments, and others good and bad experiences with their
disease.  what i am not interested in is personal attacks, gripes,
complaints, and arguements.  as i have witnessed in the last week or so on
the list, about 50 of the 200 messages i have received have actually been
about parkinsons.  i usually only make it through half the messages before i
end up deleting the rest, because i can't take it anymore.  also if you have
a personal comment to make someone like "i agree with you, or good job, or
keep up the upbeat attitude", please consider sending it offlist to that
individual personally.  this is a high volume listserv, and i think that we
would be better served to reserve it for sharing about parkinsons disease
than to use it as a forum for arguements and personal messaging.
thanks for your time
j. hibbert
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