

Bill, way to go. Best to you. Shirley
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Innanen <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, January 09, 2000 6:46 PM
Subject: A minor victory

>Those of you who have been following my online Parkinson's Disease
>diary, know that I have been preoccupied with how the disease is
>affecting my running.  "Preoccupied!"  Hrumph!  More like a whining
>crybaby!  (I should mention that I probably will keep on complaining,
>I know, intellectually at least, that this is a battle that I'm
>destined to lose.  I will eventually be unable to run.  This is only
>the first of many such battles, all of which I will lose, barring the
>elusive "breakthrough cure."  But all battles consist of many
>skirmishes and smaller engagements.  I may be destined to lose the
>battles and the war, but I can and will still win some of the
>skirmishes.  And, by God, I plan to enjoy doing so!
>On Monday the 27th of December I had one of these "minor victories."
>I did a run that I thought was beyond me already, along the beach in
>Fort Myers, Florida, where I was for our annual family Christmas
>get-together.  12 miles was at one time a nice medium length run.
>Now it is at the limit of my abilities, and many rest stops are
>required to keep my left leg even half-way functional.  But I did it!
>Part of the "trick" was taking lots of photos along the route.  This
>gave me an acceptable reason for stopping and resting.  It worked.
>As a result I ended up 12 miles later tired and sore and in
>possession of about 75 photos.
>I'd like to share this little victory with you.  I've put together 44
>of the photos on 4 web pages.  4 of the 44 are multi-photo panoramas.
>The pages have small thumbnails of the photos in-line so they will
>load fairly quickly.  You can determine from the thumbnail whether
>you want to see the full sized photo.  If you do, just click on the
>thumbnail itself.
>I hope you enjoy the photo essay as much as I did the run!  The URL
>of the first page is:
>(who will be found at the FEBA until the final battle)
>Bill Innanen                     <mailto: [log in to unmask]>
>                            <> & <>