

Audrey wrote:
> he has had pd for about 10 years.  I
> have spent this year since I met him trying to find anything that might be
> new that his neuro in melbourne may have missed: whether tested or in tested
> meds as his are not working as they had even 8 months ago.

Dear Audrey,
Your friend is most fortunate to have a caring person willing to seek
help for you. Does he by chance go to the Parkinson Clinic in Melbourne
-- Kingston Centre -- under the direction of Dr. Iansek? I have twice
heard Dr. Iansek speak, and have been very impressed with his knowledge,
understanding, and compassion. I have also been fortunate enough to
visit Kingston Centre, it is a leading centre for PD in Australia, and
again I was most impressed. If he is not attending Kingston Centre,
perhaps you might suggest this to him, as it is certainly a valuable

Best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
Medical nutrition therapy for Parkinson's disease
Author: "Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease"
"Parkinson's disease: assessing and managing unique nutrition needs;"
"Risk for malnutrition and bone fracture in Parkinson'sdisease,"
J Nutr Elderly. V18:3;1999.