

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)
Margie and Dick, Jeanne, New York , DC, LA (Mary Yost?),
Toronto, Amsterdam, and  other big cities....

Yesterday, I called Maine Medical Center's  (Portland)
AIDS Consultation Center. I was told that they believe
they have NEVER seen AIDS in a PD patient.

I wonder if  hospitals in big-cities with large numbers
of AIDS patients could be phoned by PIEnet
members,for  a purely non--scientific reports into the List.

If a theoretical PD-virus (HDV) blocks out
the AIDS-virus (HIV), the links could spark
MASSIVE funding for research on PD.
