

J Neurol Sci 1999 Jan 15;162(2):179-84

Improvement in Parkinsonian symptoms after repetitive transcranial magnetic

Mally J, Stone TW
Department of Neurology, Erszebet Korhaz, Sopron, Hungary.
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Transcranial magnetic stimulation has been used in the diagnosis of
neurological lesions, but has also been shown to be useful in the treatment
of depression. We have now examined the effect of applying transcranial
magnetic stimulation daily for 10 days in a sample of 10 patients with
Parkinson's disease in whom maximal benefit was being obtained from drug
therapy. The subjects were followed for six months and showed significant
improvements over this period when assessed using a range of measures. It is
suggested that transcranial magnetic stimulation may be a valuable technique
in the treatment or adjunct treatment of Parkinsonism, possibly by inducing
changes in brain monoamine levels.