

Thanks to the gentle knight Sir JAmes for writing to me off list and making me
aware of how important it is to check the spell check . At least, i think it
was the soell check that screwed up my message - my un-proofread text is
pretty hairy, but this contains things beyond even my capabilities or
comprehension. !

Hilary Blue wrote:
> atloud one of I have a sort of a 'lazy susan', th at ebnab;lles me to song
> mylegs in and out of the car. But it does not help[ with easing oneseslf in or
> lifting oneself out. It was ordered from the Penney's catalogue.
> hilary blue (51,33,24)
>   Message should read:

I have a sort of lazy susan affair that enables me to swing my legs in and out
of the car.                                     But it does not help me
actually get up off the seat, or to lower myself down. It was ordered from
Penney's catalogue.
