

  Stem cell research is not a project that is going to harvest unborn babies to "save the
life of another".  Any tissue used would be discarded in the trash anyway.  Why not take
it and put it to good use?  It's not that far removed from organ donation.  I don't think you
have to worry about PWP's or others paying a teenager to carry a child just so they will
be able to harvest the little rascal for its cells.  Noone wants to play God and take away
a life to save another.  I don't believe anyone is "pro-abortion".   It's more a matter of
being pro-choice.  Each individual woman must have the ultimate decision in this matter,
not the government.

Linnea writes:
> i am not afraid to admit I am anti-abortion, but it seems like a extreme
> exaggeration to say that anti-abortionists kill doctors and blow up
> clinics...yes, it happens, but we see what the media wants us to see. The
> majority of anti-abortionists are peaceful, same as pro-abortionists. It
> is going to happen, and I don't see a problem with using the fetuses'
> tissues to save lives, but my whole argument on that is who are we to play
> God and take away someone's chance to live to save another's? Who are we
> to choose who lives? it is a very touchy issue...

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **
