

Very well stated.  I agree.

> Could someone explain why a discussion of stem cell research always turns
> into an abortion/antiabortion diatribe. Are those in favor of stem cell
> research advocating that abortions should be performed for the purpose of
> obtaining the stem cell matter or that after an abortion is performed (for
> reasons known only to the person having the abortion presumably) that the
> stem cells from the fetus resulting from the abortion should be used in
> research? To my mind, it is akin to accusing someone who is in favor of an
> organ donor policy AFTER someone dies of wanting to kill people to get their
> organs. If a woman, for private reasons decides to have an abortion and the
> stem cells of the resulting fetus can be used in experiments which might
> result in SAVING lives, isn't there some sort of elemental logic which says
> do the experimenting? Please keep in mind that there is no agenda in what I
> am saying to purposely perform abortions to obtain stem cells for
> experimentation.
> Paul H> Lauer

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **
