

I have known Jim Cordy for a long time now.
He's a very nice, dedicated young man.

What Jim was saying was that you can't make some
of those Congressmen (or Women, as the case may be)
change their minds,  so, since all Parkies are short on
energy and we wear out easily, to use your energies
to do something constructive.
I still cannot figure out how his statement could have
started this last flap.

I felt that Greg was speaking about himself also,
but then I have spent years in reading comprehension courses too.

Maybe we should just change the subject???

New Subject:

I feel guilty because our weather in Fort Lauderdale is so beautiful.
When I retired we bought a park bench for the front porch and we
are really enjoying it now.  We have had such bad weather all summer
but Mother Nature has decided to be kind to us in the last few weeks.
We have fed the birds in the front yard for years, have a little garden
with a birdbath there, and they have become so tame, that our sitting
outside watching them hasn't seemed to stop them from feeding.
We used to have a Doxie (wiener dog) who would lay out there with
his paws crossed and watch the birds feed. They must have known
he'd keep all the cats in the neighborhood away  from them, because
they'd walk right up to him and go right on eating.
I did spot a new pair of birds I can't seem to find in all my bird books,
so it looks as if I need to make a trip back to the library.

Everyone, please have a nice day, and try to remember that life isn't
easy for anyone with PD, nor their care givers.

As Ever,
Marjorie L. Moorefield
just another retired librarian