

Hi Arthur,
Like so many others I received "A Story of Hope," a 25-minute
videotape produced by Jim West for and about the Dallas Area
Parkinsonism Society, offered at no charge to "PIEnet" members.  You
wrote "We have had several glowing reviews of this tape on-line
already, and I don't want to see anybody who might be able to use
this tape miss out."

Art, I showed this tape to our Early Onset Group on Sat. and they want
me to convey our thanks and congratulations for this fabulous tape on
the Dallas Area Parkinsonism Society. We're glad we didn't miss out.

Please tell Jim West that we think this is a wonderful model for

I will be forwarding this tape to the B.C.  Parkinsons Assoc. here.
They are a parallel group to DAPS, in their 32nd. year, over 1000
members, actively raising money for support services, education,
outreach, scientific research, and public awareness.

I'm sure you are very proud of DAPS and you have every reason.

Thank you.  (Murray Charters on behalf of the Early Onset Parkinson's
Support Group.)

All the best Art ........................... murray
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