

Who are the members of  the house and senate who are on the fence? We could
write them , if we knew who they are.Nita Andres

Jim Cordy wrote:

> You are right about the potential stem cells.  I don't think anyone is more
> excited than the scientists at NIH. It's not NIH that you want to encourage,
> its Congress.  The stem cell guidelines are intended to make it possible for
> stem cell research to continue.  I know, I was on the stem cell guidelines
> committee.
> I believe, from my experience as an advocate, that the legislators who we
> should be attempting to persuade are those sitting on the fence.  There are
> many anti abortion legislators who do not have a problem with stem cell
> research. I would hope the Parkinson's  Action Network could supply you with
> that information. Forget about the hard-core right to life zealots.

major snip
