

----- Original Message -----
From: Hilary Blue <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 18. januar 2000 14:31
Subject: Re: Dennis Nestler - Swollen ankles thanks you

> Dennis - about your ankles (and mine) ] I should really be asnwering you
> list because you seem to be the only person who w as interested in my
> ankles!!!!!!!! But now that the flurry and excitement about your ankles
> died down,(haha) I'll answer your qeeries aboot mine.
********Sorry Hilary :-)) I havn`t noticed your e-mail about your ankles.

> The amantadine can cause  two other symtoms zssoiated with the swellinig -
> you have a kind of network of fine bloodvessels all over the surface of
> legs? Giving your legs a sort of purplish  tinge.  And starting its way at
> ankle and working its way a sort of scaley shininess. That is typical of
***********It was my first symtoms, and shortly after my swollen ankles
started, especially the left one - and after I quit Amatadine it took month
before my ankles and feet was normal again.
I have never had such sideeffect from Sinemet CR and a very small dose
Permax. So in my case Amantadine was the "villaine"
Sonia N