

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses   Brrrr   03 deg. F   :-)

    In this part of the world, we are going through windy and
frigid weather. This can increase dystonia in a PWP's calf muscles.

    I am going through tightness, painful cramps, and  toe-curling, even
while wearing lined winter boots. This usually stops me from walking.

     I'm one of the PWP's who is fortunate to have found  a neurologist
(Dr. Boothby) who, after 27 years of practice, is  very open-minded.

     He acknowledges when he needs to learn more. He works with
Althea at his front desk and me,  through the telephone,
to discuss ideas, in between appointment times.

    How refreshing this is, a physician open to learning. Dr. Boothby
even acknowledged this on camera, in one of our televised interviews.

    On PIEnet, I see messages every now and then, about PWP's who
are uncomfortable  with, or uncertain about their neurologists.

     I switched to Dr. Boothby, and have never regretted it.

     It is a big step, but an important one, to find the neurologist
who communicates most openly with you. Mine is even
open to e-mail that I forward to him from PIEnet.

     We would both appreciate any suggestions from PIEnet
 on diet changes, massage techniques, dopamine levels,
or circulatory exercises... (My family doctor
says, can you manage a trip to Arizona?...but it's not that simple)

     I am really doing better now, and have found support.

    Thank you,
