

I have kept out of the stem cell research / anti-abortion posts and usually don't
read them but I like what KEn and Paul. They have effectively said what need to
be said. Kathy W cg for Jim

KEn Becker wrote:

> Here is another way to look at this:  God is offering a cure for PD and many
> diseases, but making it a little difficult, so it will be appreciated. He
> knows there will be controversy and questioning of whether He approves, He
> wants us to think of Him when we make these decisions.  If you go into your
> boss's office and take a penny from his desk, that is theft, and is morally
> wrong. If the boss hands you  $1000 and tells you it is a bonus for doing
> your job well, it is a gift and  you should accept it graciously.  Using the
> stem cells is NOT killing, it is preserving and enhancing life, as long as
> abortions are not being performed solely to obtain the cells. I can't believe
> that God would want His children to suffer, when it is preventable. Would He
> not want us to kill germs to allow a baby to live? The germs are His
> creatures too!
> We were given the ability to think for ourselves, and this is the time to use
> our God-given brains to do what is right, not waste time fighting while
> people are suffering and dying!.
> Ken B