

Gee, Shirley.... I couldn't tell ya whether you have PD or not  -
ESPECIALLY since I'm not only not a physician but have also never
personally seen ya!

Keep in mind tho, there must be a reason your MD now believes you
don't have Parkinson's and you SHOULD ask him HOW and WHY he
reached that conclusion.  Also, since you went to him because you
DO have symptoms of SOMETHING, if it's not PD, then you want to
know what it is you have.

One of the major problems with PD is that there's no definitive
medical test that can nail down a Parkinson's diagnosis.  That,
plus virtually all PWP may have SOME like symptoms, but mostly we
DON'T all have the same symptoms.   And even if we DO have the
same symptoms, some might have them mildly and others might
experience the "Kick-ass variety!"

If that isn't enough, there are several Parkinson's LIKE diseases
exhibiting symptoms that would cause even the most PD-savvy
physician and experienced  PWP to initially go for that PD

An example:  I've had Parkinson's for about 25 years, but
initially since I was 32 years old when I first mentioned the
vague intermittent symptoms I had begun to notice occasionally to
my MD,  he didn't have a clue and told me most likely it was "just
stress."   It took seven YEARS for my symptoms to get bad enough
to be recognizable to any of the several Md. I saw when trying  to
find out why I couldn't get my right arm and hand to straighten

Oh... and I just tried interlacing my fingers as you mentioned and
putting my thumbs together and there ain't nuttin' happening at
all.  But if I sot still for a while and maybe read or watch TV,
my left arm'll start to flutter like a hummingbird's wings.

Is this a PD symptom shared by ALL other PWPs?  Many?  A few??


Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----

From: Edward Kleinmeyer <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 4:14 AM
Subject: Re: idea :)

>Hi Barb MSN, It's Shirley. I have a few questions maybe you can
answer.If I
>type a little like Don MC please read between the lines. Since I
left the
>list and returned I have been there and not totely back. That
Neuro I went
>to said he doesn't think I have PD. Well after these past 2 wks.
I'm going
>to make him eat his words. I called him Yesterday and insisted
that I know
>the results of my blood work on thyroid and anema. Instead of
waiting till
>2-4 he said to come in This Fri. Questions: If you ontertwine
your fingers
>and put the thumb tips together and they go nuts,A big symptum??
If true
>what would be the first Med. that should be given ?? I don't want
to be
>throwing up and all that good stuff. Also I got on the list at
Iowa City for
>the movement disorder clinic. Probably won't git in there till
April but at
>least my name is on the list. Thanks Shirley
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Barb_MSN <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 12:58 AM
>Subject: Re: idea :)
>>It's advised by any of the movement disorder specialists I know
>>that a Parkie NEVER should be taken off PD-related meds cold
>>IF you take your dad off Sinemet cold turkey chances are he'll
>>climbing the walls within a few hours.
>>Why not wean Dad off the drugs over several days, which is the
>>safest way to go off an addictive drug such as Sinemet or
>>Barb Mallut
>>[log in to unmask]
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Linnea Proverbs <[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>
>>Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 8:22 PM
>>Subject: Re: idea :)
>>>my dad was on all kinds of parkinson med's-he had been getting
>>dizzy and
>>>sick and his muscles were tensing up-well, he didn't want to
>>the next
>>>dose the one day cuz it made him so sick. We didn't give it to
>>him, and he
>>>did better! No dizzy spells, his legs didn't tense up, and he
>>doing a lot
>>>better...with no meds...?? The doc said to keep him off of it
>>he sees
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: Coleen Pettit <[log in to unmask]>
>>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:08 PM
>>>Subject: idea :)
>>>> Sunday my hubby didn't take (forgot) his second dose of
>>pills...sinemet cr
>>>> 50/200 and eldepryl 5 mg in the afternoon...he takes this
>>at noon or
>>>> at least 1/2 hour before he eats lunch.
>>>> he didn't have a problem with this..he didn't feel bad at
>>>> all...soooooo...we are trying to do this every other day.
>>>> I will call the dr tomorrow to fill him in. hey...he doesn't
>>feel bad and
>>>> doesn't get dizzy...he gets that way after he takes the
>>pills,,.,and gets
>>>> drowsy. I don't have a log on this but I know he gets dizzy
>>after the
>>>> just a thought..make him feel better and save $$
>>>> Coleen :)
>>>> ISSUES!!!
>>>> 541-862-2226