

My father, who has Parkinsons, has had a fever for the last 5 or 6 weeks.
I sent a message to this list last week, I think, about his situation.
He's been in and out of the hospital during that time.  He is currently in
the hospital and has been for the last two weeks.  The Doctors have run
all sorts of tests, including Blood tests, biopsys, MRIs and Cat Scans.
They haven't been able to figure out what is causing the fevers.

They thought that his medication may be causing the fevers, so they took
him off all except the Sinimet.  This didn't may a difference, so they put
him back on.  Now, the Infectious disease specialist wants to try taking
him off the Sinimet.  He's going to talk to his Neurologist first, but I
wanted to check with this list to see if anyone has any input on what the
effects of this may be.

Here's a list of the other medication that he is on.

Amantadine:  50 m1 twice a day.
Ditropan:    5 mg three times a day.
Eldepryl:    5 mg twice a day.
Ritalin:     10 mg twice a day.
Aricept:     5 mg once a day.
Tofranil PM: 100 mg once a day.

He was also put on 80mg of Prednisone twice a day a couple of days ago.

The Infectious disease specialist has really been trying to find a cause
for the fevers, but it seems he's giving up.  He keeps talking about
quality of life and he doesn't think my Fathers quality of life is any
good as it is, but I really don't think he understands my fathers mental
condition.  Anyway, the past couple of days my father seems to be a little
better then he has been during the last Month or so.  Once these fevers
come down, I think he'll do a lot better.

Richard R. Klemmer
WebTrek L.L.C.