

hi all

At 08:05 PM 2000/01/27 -0500, hilary wrote:
>> Hilary Blue's Detailed Description of Disability
>> as caused by Parkinson's Disease symptoms and
>> Parkinson's Disease medications side effects
>that was one impressive document we produced together
>only that was worst case scenario, to impress the social security people into
>granting me disability status.  Now the position is reversed - i have to take
>the same series of facts and persuade the powers that be that although i am
>(or will be) nine months further down the road, i am still fit to be the
>mother of a teenage family!
> However this time i will play it by ear. there are too many witnesses -
>social workers and others of their ilk who will portray things the way they
>see them; one just has to hope the judge can perceive -and is sufficiently
>educated - to see the truth.
>Hilary Blue

my reaction tends to be one of incredulity
that you need to 'prove' that you are 'fit' to be the mother of your children

for one thing
you ***are*** their mother

virtually anyone can become a mother
without having to prove anything to anyone

how can the social workers
who i presume are in their jobs in order to assist people in need
make negative assumptions based on complete ignorance
[viz the implication that you are 'faking' some symptoms sometimes]
which then can have the power to affect your family's lives?

i see nothing in our 'impressive document'
that compromises your 'mothering' abilities;
you have a movement disorder is all

i don't agree with you that it describes a 'worst case' scenario'

to me, it describes clearly and factually
how your movement disorder affects your physical abilities in regard to
taking on the responsibility of fulltime paid employment outside your home

if you had arthritis
or if you were blind
or if you had one leg
would your mothering abilities come into question?

does your situation imply that anyone with a movement disorder
has thus automatically degenerated into 'unfit parent' status?

why should you have to rely on 'hope' that the judge is 'sufficiently educated'
is that not the judge's core responsibility in being a judge?

if i am in need of social assistance
does that mean i'm automatically assumed to be faking that need
and out to cheat the government i.e. my co-citizens and tax-payers?
who's in charge of making policy?
who's running the government?

this situation has always got my dander up
and now it's upper than ever!


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
a new voice:
613 256 8340 PO Box 171 Almonte Ontario Canada K0A 1A0