

Dear List-family....

I'm SOOOO frustrated!  While waiting for my nail polish to dry
tonite (This is a gal-type-thing and no comments are expected from
youse fellas.  SOME things are SACRED, and nail polish is right
there near the top of the list!) <grin>

Errrrr.... I digress.... While waiting for my nail polish to dry
tonite I decided to logon to the Dumpster Gang PD Chat Room and
visit with whomever was there, if anyone (It was about midnite,
PST - does anyone chat there 'round that time?).

I never got a chance to see if folks were chatting 'cause that
darn program kept dumping me back to the main page.  RATS!!!

"Nooooo biggee," I sez to myself.  I'll just logon to the
Parkinson's Undernet Chat room.  But.... uhhhhh.... I couldn't
remember if chat room's name was Parkinsons or Parkinson or
possibly even Parkinsn.... (WAAAAAH!  I wanna CHAT!) <pouting

To add insult to injury, the red nail polish now bedecks several
of the keys on my keyboard, and ALSO's on Buzzy-cat's long white
fur! (Durn cat's EARNED his nickname of "El Diablito Blanco!"
(Little White Devil) <grin> He's into EVERYTHING....

Before I moved, I had printed instructions on how to access both
of the chat rooms mentioned above, but they seem to have never
made it to the new condo.  I'd appreciate it if someone'd drop me
an email off-List telling me the information I need to access both
of them chat rooms.   Ooops!   Is there a person who's the
"Designated Instruction Sender?"   I'd really hate to end up with
385 copies of chat room instructions sent by every single person
who's ever accessed a PD chat! <lol>


Barb Mallut
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