

if i may put in my two cemts worth:
there are those who seay you should not take sinemet for as long as possible -
well i have been taking it for 17 yea rs, and it still works for me.
And in your case, i waould recommend it. Remember i anm not a doctor, so
cannot do more than just tell you of my own experience, but they say that the
final, definitve diagnosis of PD is if it reacts to sinemet. So it seems to me
that that should be where you start. WIth sinemet. But it needs a doctor to
tell  you that - and the clinic  you are going to in April - movement disorder
 specialists - seems the right place to start.   Your present doctor does not
appear to be so knowledgeable.
suggestion: why dont you check out  Art Hirsch's website for the descriptions
he has given of other PD-relat ed conditions?

(art - could  you give SHirley the details of how to access  your wewbsite, please)

hilary blue (51/33/24)

Edward Kleinmeyer wrote:
> Hi Barb MSN, It's Shirley. I have a few questions maybe you can answer.If I
> type a little like Don MC please read between the lines. Since I left the
> list and returned I have been there and not totely back. That Neuro I went
> to said he doesn't think I have PD. Well after these past 2 wks. I'm going
> to make him eat his words. I called him Yesterday and insisted that I know
> the results of my blood work on thyroid and anema. Instead of waiting till
> 2-4 he said to come in This Fri. Questions: If you ontertwine your fingers
> and put the thumb tips together and they go nuts,A big symptum?? If true
> what would be the first Med. that should be given ?? I don't want to be
> throwing up and all that good stuff. Also I got on the list at Iowa City for
> the movement disorder clinic. Probably won't git in there till April but at
> least my name is on the list. Thanks Shirley
> -----Original Message-----