

Frankly, DEnnis, The whole thing scares me.
I think i have told the people of the list that i am having to face a barrage
of psycho-neuro-metric/logical tests  Call them what you want, the point is i
am being tested to see if i am competent to take care of my children - this
was court ordered and is an essential requirement before the judge can make a
decision whether to give me back full custody of my daughter or not.
 Is this the beginning of a trend? ANd I know for a bitter fact that my
expressionless face convinced the social workers and therapists involved with
the case that i was not interested or caring enough to want my daughters back.
i t took many months of persuasion and explanation to get them to understand
that  there is a thinking, feeling person behind that face. Not to mention the
lies that have been perpetrated,, that the girls have come to believe - suchas
" if mummy  really wanted to do the housework herself, she could. Why i saw
her carry some dishes to the sink yesterday."  No understanding of on-offs.
ANd when i got "stuck"  halfway to the car on the snowy-icy path, they thought
i was just scared, and couldnt understand that i couldnt make my feet move.
Fortunately my son was there, and recognizing the situation, came outside,
pneumonia and all, and helped me to get into my friend's car. .
I guess that is irrelevant - but it does take  us back to the law that allowed
my children to be put in foster care in the fi rst place.
During the time my children were away because of "my incompetence to care for
them", i have
done two television interviews
been interviewed on radio
been a member of a lobby that went to Richmond (the state legislative assembly)
been to two PAN forums and lobbied senators and congressmen
created and run the Porky Porkinson pennies for parkinson campaign
Founded and run a support group for YOPD pwps in my area
Taken on Social Security - and won - first time around
plus more sundry "responsible"  activities too trivial and numerous to remember
  does this sound like a woman who is unable to care for her own kids --
but what do we know -
we are not the law!!!!!!

And that is what scares me

hilary blue

Dennis Greene wrote
> The letter below is self explanatory.  I am forwarding it to the list (with
> Ms Spanker's knowledge and approval) and have undertaken to forward to her
> any response you good folks may care to make.
> Dennis.