

> Hilary Blue's Detailed Description of Disability
> as caused by Parkinson's Disease symptoms and
> Parkinson's Disease medications side effects
> The symptoms of the movement disorder known as Parkinson's Disease are
> commonly treated with medications; the disease itself is incurable and
> progressive. The major symptoms:
>      a. Tremor,
>      b. Bradykinesia i.e. Slowness of Movement,
>      c. Rigidity,
>      d. Fatigue, and
>      e. Balance Problems,
> all manifest in different intensities and combinations in different PD
> patients.

that was one impressive document we produced together
 only that was worst case scenario, to impress the social security people into
granting me disability status.  Now the position is reversed - i have to take
the same series of facts and persuade the powers that be that although i am
(or will be) nine months further down the road, i am still fit to be the
mother of a teenage family!
 However this time i will play it by ear. there are too many witnesses -
social workers and others of their ilk who will portray things the way they
see them; one just has to hope the judge can perceive -and is sufficiently
educated - to see the truth.

Hilary Blue