

J Neurol Sci 2000 Jan 1;172(1):7-11

Decreased color discrimination and contrast sensitivity in Parkinson's

Pieri V, Diederich NJ, Raman R, Goetz CG
Department of Neuroscience, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, 4 rue Barble,
L-1210, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) often complain of blurred vision or
even of distinctive visual disturbances like hallucinations and illusions.
Recent studies have emphasized the potential influence of primary visual
deficits of color and contrast discrimination. To study primary visual
function, we studied color discrimination (CD) and contrast sensitivity (CS)
during 'on' medication in PD patients and compared them to non-PD subjects.
Twenty one PD patients were compared to 30 age-matched controls using CD
tested by the D-15 Lanthony test (D15) and the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue
test (FM) and CS tested by the Pelli-Robson (PL) and the Vis-Tech tables
(VT). We excluded subjects with a visual acuity </=0.6 Snellen fraction or
known ophthalmological diseases. PD patients showed greater impairment on
all visual tests than controls. This difference was significant for the FM
test (P<0.001), the spatial frequencies 12 and 18 cpd (cycles per degree) of
the VT test (P<0.05) and both the monocular and binocular PR tests (P<0.05).
Most tests for CS and CD showed statistical independency. CS deficits, but
not CD deficits, correlated with age in both patients and controls. This
study documents major and independent impairment of both color and contrast
discrimination in PD patients. Further studies should elucidate possible
clinical implications and correlations, such as the frequency of falls or
visual hallucinations.