

Ervin, I have been in the same situatuation, I decided to bring the 25/100 to the Pharmacy and let them destroy them, because I felt more safe taking 50/200 CR.
Maybe it seams a little stupid :-)) but menthally I felt better taking the right prescription.

Sonia N
  ----- Original Message ----- 

  From: Ervin McCarthy 
  To: [log in to unmask] 
  Sent: 22. januar 2000 17:43
  Subject: Sinemet

  A question about Sinemet.  The doctor gave me a prescription for
  50/200CR four times a day.  If I use up the remainder of my Sinemet
  25/100CR two pills to equal the 50/200 C. R will that have the same effect? it may seem like a dumb question but I have a lot of 25/100CR left.  Thanks for any information.