

> Hello , hope I'am doing this right its my frist time so hello to all. Whenyou
> become shaky is peanut butter good to take?.If I don't eat around 12 I start
> to shak.                                        Audrey C.

Audrey, you're doing it just fine. If your shakiness is due to low blood
sugar (usually occurs when you haven't eaten anything for a few hours)
it would be best to have some fruit juice, as that will boost your blood
sugar quickest. If the shakiness is due to PD tremor, it may be that
your medications are wearing off. In that case, you may need to take
your medication as well as eat some food. If your medication is
levodopa, try taking it about 11:30, then have your food around 12:00.
Best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
Medical nutrition therapy for Parkinson's disease
Author: "Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease"
"Parkinson's disease: assessing and managing unique nutrition needs;"
"Risk for malnutrition and bone fracture in Parkinson'sdisease,"
J Nutr Elderly. V18:3;1999.