

Champagne for the ceremony.  I wish we were altogether in one place to have
an official passing of the baton from the advocates to the scientists.  What
kind of gibberish is Cordy talking now. I will fess up to being a little
euphoric.  But we have climbed the mountain and there before us lies the
cure for Parkinson's disease.  I believe this from the bottom of my heart,
if we get the scientists the money they will cure to dam disease, and faster
than anyone thought possible.  What caused this burst of euphoria?

I have just read the draft of the NIH report to Congress "Parkinson's
Research Agenda, 2000 -- 2005" .  It truly is a blueprint for curing
Parkinson's. I'm going to buy a case of champagne so that every time I see
one of my fellow advocates we can have a toast to our success.

First we did the impossible in passing the Udall bill.

Second we play a major role in obtaining NIH's record $2 billion increase
each of the last two years.

Third, we have developed a very positive relationship with NIH, and NINDS
(and its Director Jerry Fischbach)

We have only one thing left to do as we pass the baton to the scientists,
and that's to make sure:

"we have the best scientists doing the best research"

That should be our motto in 2000

We need to keep fund-raising money and almost as importantly continue to
raise awareness.  In particular we have to target our research hospitals and
universities.  The pitch there should be "there is money in NIH for any
valid Parkinson's research initiatives".  I thought that the