

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000 23:17:25 -0500 "Robert A. Fink, M. D."
<[log in to unmask]> writes, in part:

>...."I have researched MEDLINE on the alleged relationship between MS
>and what Ivan calls Herpes VI (it is actually HHV-6),...."(SNIPPED)

  Bob, is it Mary Ann Ryan, rather than me? I did not use the "Herpes VI"
terminology that youu attribute to me.

 Here is what I actually said in the original text in the Feb. 13, 1999
document on PIEN:

   " (5)  I also believe that recently there has been work to show that
  Multiple Sclerosis can be attributed to the Herpes virus number 6."

Bob, that's all I said at that time about HHV-6.

 "Robert A. Fink" continues:

>which is a >relative
>of the cytomegalovirus which affects people afflicted with HIV to a
>much greater degree than the general population.  There have been
>some articles (very basic science) which suggest that HHV-6 may be
>present in patients with MS, but the virus may be present in many
>people who do not have MS.  In addition, people who are actively
>infected with HHV-6 do not get MS.  The work is very early.
>There is, of course, a possibility that this work may be productive.
>It>would be wonderful if it is.  But, judging from the very new nature
>this work; along with the history of other "theories" in multiple
>sclerosis, anyone saying, like Ivan, that MS is caused by a
 is, at best, premature, and really does a disservice to
>of us who try to be scientific in our passing of information to the

Bob, again, all I said about MS is this:

   " (5)  I also believe that recently there has been work to show that
  Multiple Sclerosis can be attributed to the Herpes virus number 6."

I did not list a series of scientific publications that PROVE this idea,
because it was my intent only to provide a framework for considering
the possibility that Parkinson's Disease MAY be viral.

Bob, I think you have a misimpression  about my 1999 wording, and
my intent.

Does this help you?

Ivan Suzman

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses         25  deg. F   :-)