

>Hi All,
>Have been quiet lately.  Dick has been put on double strength pain patch.
>Also Cipro (antibiotic) for cystitis.  That seems to be improving.  He is up
> and down day and night.   A couple of nights ago, I got to bed about 4AM,
>and was back up 3 times before 6.  Asked DR. for something to make him
> sleep, so he prescribed Temazapan. 15 mg.  TOO much! Dick slept about
>4 hrs. but getting him to the bathroom was like lifting a ton of bricks.  It
>wear off until late this afternoon.  Drug book says--over 60 yrs--half
>I think pain is from spine and spinal cord problems.   Any suggestions for
>something that will make him sleep without interfering with mobility?
>I am getting desperate.  Thanks.  Audrey CG Dick77/75 PD Plus

Audrey:  Consider AMBIEN .  Ralph