

Thanks you for the info, I'll have a look at the web site you suggest.

I know there's a lot controversy about the use of herbs and
supplements but the way I like to think about it is this:

I want to explore all options possible, you never know how much
some of these alternatives may help (or not).  If nothing else I'm
trying to actively do something extra to help.  Even if it only makes
things a little more pleasant for my father it would be worth.  If
nothing works then all I've lost is a few pounds that I can afford, but
if something helps even a little then it would be worth it.  I must
admit I don't hold much stock with the alternative remedies but I'll
have a look and find out as much information as possible...

Thanks again...Nige...
Dr. Nigel Overton
Bio-Energy Research Group
Aston University

Aston Street
B4 7ET
Tel. 0121 359 3611 Ext. 4644
Mobile 07974 573384
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