

Thank you Marvin for your beautiful letter.
For me, you touched on one of the most difficult (and painful)  things to handle
from  Mr Parkinson's Disease. With all the trials and disappointments how do I
communicate my love for my beloved husband,


Giles wrote:

> Part of the time I can move my electric chair from point A to point B,
> performing all of the complex calculations and adjustments required to
> avoid cats, maneuver through furniture, and maintain my own balance.
> All of this while communicating to my soul-mate the events of my day and
> Listening to her as she describes the ups and downs of hers.
>  Part of the time moving my foot two inches to the left requires all the
> computing power my brain can muster. I have made progress in adjusting to a
> more limited physical lifestyle.
> But I am only now becoming fully aware of a more serious problem.
> The need to communicate to my wife more than just physical requirements and
> discomfort.
> We both need more than I want and I need.  We need I love, we hope, we plan,
> we can, and we will.
> If nothing else gets understood in our day to day battle with Parkinsons. I
> must make it clear.
> I love you! For what you were, are, and will be.  I must communicate this to
> her in words, deeds,
> and any other means available. I love you.
> Marvin Giles