

Hi All,
Have been quiet lately.  Dick has been put on double strength pain patch.
Also Cipro (antibiotic) for cystitis.  That seems to be improving.  He is up
 and down day and night.   A couple of nights ago, I got to bed about 4AM,
and was back up 3 times before 6.  Asked DR. for something to make him
 sleep, so he prescribed Temazapan. 15 mg.  TOO much! Dick slept about
4 hrs. but getting him to the bathroom was like lifting a ton of bricks.  It
wear off until late this afternoon.  Drug book says--over 60 yrs--half
I think pain is from spine and spinal cord problems.   Any suggestions for
something that will make him sleep without interfering with mobility?
I am getting desperate.  Thanks.  Audrey CG Dick77/75 PD Plus