

to all who have responded on this issue - thanks - and don't stop -

you have all heard several of us make reference to a Southern California
Support Organization called:

COPS (Children of Parkinsonians) now called
PRO (Parkinsonian's Resource Organization)

which, indeed, was started by "one of us" - it is, to my knowledge, the only
group that had the "adult child" in mind as the focus originally and has now
grown to provide respite care and much welcome help and information to those
in the PD community -

although i am no longer on PRO's board (time and conflicts interfering. . . )
i continue to watch them accomplish incredible feats - all in the name of
raising money for the here and now - respite care for those who need it NOW
to assist in the task of caregiving -

they have much to be proud of and i encourage you all to either email or call
them to (a) receive their newsletter (b) find out about the upcoming &
exciting February event they have planned (kudos - trudi and jo!)
just to reach out to some new helpful folk -

now - for a chatroom of our own!  we'll have to work on that one!
