

Kathie, You didn't say how old you were,but I can tell you that a female at
a younger age has a very hard time. Applying is not the problem,it's getting
your application approved that is a problem. If you have PD along with other
major health problems you will probably have a better chance. First get
copies of your health condition and call a lawyer that deals with SSI on a
daily bases. If he thinks you have a winnable case he should tell you. By
law he/she can only charge you ONE FOURTH of whatever you finally receive.
It takes a long time to get approved so you just hang in there,cut your work
load as close as possible,because that is one of the things they will look
at. I am 61 and have been receiving SST for 17 months. It took me 2 years
of getting denied and my lawyer pushing back before I was finally approved.
He was worth every cent I had to pay him. Good luck and if you need to talk
to me again just yell. Shirley
-----Original Message-----
From: Kathie J Creveling <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, February 03, 2000 3:08 PM
Subject: ssdi

>I have a question to send out. I am asking as an informational point and
>a point of giving up. Have any of you under 55 found that you are not able
>to hold down a full time job any longer due to exhaustion, physical demands
>and the like? If so, have any of those who have found it too difficult been
>able to apply and then receive SSDI? If so, was a very difficult to be
>accepted and how does one start? My family is after me all the time any
>about the amount of energy I am using to try to keep going as much as I do.
>They say that if I lesson the work load I would have the energy to function
>day to day with a 1/2 normal life... longer rather then less time. They are
>not suggesting that I give up and sit looking out the window. They are
>simply concerned at the level of exhaustion at the end of a work day. I
>for seven children in the home (infants to pre-school age). It is all I
>ever done. I am scared of falling, or dropping a child etc. I just don't
>know if it is worth the fight to apply for SSDI. Thanks...Kathie