


His name is Terry La Porte, Esq.  I'll cut and paste a notice that is just going out bulk mail that I wrote for PPSG's (Peninsula Parkinson's Support Groups) quarterly newsletter:   No need to wait for talk if you need someone NOW call him or call me first, if you prefer.

Good luck,  Charlotte Mancuso

NOTICE:  Reserve a space now for a talk on SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY LAW, on Saturday, March 11, from 11:00-12:00
noon.  Call Charlotte Mancuso of YPSG in Palo Alto at 650-329-0967.  Our regular support group session will begin that morning at 10:00.

YPSG will present Terry La Porte, Esq., a specialist in all aspects of SOCIAL SECURITY LAW.  His offices, located throughout the
San Francisco Bay Area, and another in Santa Cruz have handled several thousand cases covering all aspects of Social Security
Disability, SSI Disability, retirement issues, and appeals, and have interacted with all levels of the Social Security Administration and the Federal Courts.

He has a particular interest in Parkinson's Disease, and has represented many individuals with PD (including the author of this notice*).

He will speak particularly on Social Security Disability, and related aspects of disability law.  Additionally, he has worked with other attorneys regarding Americans with Disabilities Act law (ADA) and will bring materials on this
topic; however, he will focus on Social Security, and he will not be taking questions or speaking on ADA issues.

This talk is for anyone with concerns about Social Security:  For those still working, for those who are seeking to qualify for, or are
already on disability, and for those with other questions on Social Security.  YPSG's (Young-onset Parkinson's Support Group)
membership consists of people in their 30's and 40's, some with young children, many in mid-life, some of whom still work, and
seniors.  To those who are perhaps considering joining a support group, who might still be working, or newly diagnosed and wanting
information, but possibly a little hesitant to "go public" and are unsure of the support-group scene, you may call me about your concerns
ahead of time.  Seating is limited, so reserve a seat now.  See you there!

*For the record, Terry La Porte was my attorney when my case went through the appeals process last summer.  Happily, we won.
That said, I make no guarantees or endorsements except that my own experience working with Terry was very positive, and I felt at
ease with him.  Therefore, I present him to you without hesitation.  Charlotte Mancuso

"Joseph G. Konick" wrote:

Can anyone recommend an experienced SSDI attorney in the Bay Area (I live
in San Francisco)?

Many thanks.

Joseph Konick
(Age 47 - Diagnosed 10 years)

Charlotte A. Mancuso
For advocacy, medical, and other PD-related material, go to: