

I am not entering this discussion
because i have so recently
been through all this
 and documented eery step of the way -
its all there in the archives -
how i wouldn't give up
and ended up beating the system at its own game ,
its called ADVOCACY!
!and i will reiterate -
its something we need more of -
in every field -
people who are knowledgeable in a particular area,
and   who will go out to bat
for those wo are not.

hilary blue (51,33,24)

Juanita Hibbert wrote:
> After 2 yrs of receiving social security disability, you automatically
> receive MEDICARE benifits. I was 57 when
> I got my ssd award and 59 when MEDICARE(not  medicaid)went into effect
> for me.I am still not 65 and still get my
> ssd and MEDICARE.
> Juanita CG for George 73 dx 98