

This is the Seattle Audrey Don, and I know you dont know me at all nor do I
you except by the things I have read that you have sent.  I can see that you
have the respect and love of many on the list as well as you must
have that from those who know you best.  I can feel the pain and
discouragement that you feel now.  I suppose that as I am not a pwp,  I am
presumptious inserting my opinion at this time.  Do you think that there is
another that may feel much the same as you do, yet who is inspired by you?
Someone who believes as you must that there has to be a reason for them
being here?  It is very probable that your wisdom and advice have  made
others lives far more livable both long termers and those who are newly
diagnosed: So many others both those who are long termers and those who are
newly diagnosed. Not to overlook all the caregivers and family members and
those ( if there are any) who are as I ... trying to help and caring about
an aussie pwp 10000 miles away whom I have never met... Keep the faith Don,
and know that all of your friends are here for you and I am too (not only as
a lurker) but as someone who admires you immensely.

audrey * seattle*

----- Original Message -----
From: Don McKinley <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2000 2:54 PM

> I AM NOT MR. PD OR DON we do not know who back 20 years. some thing i got
> workout for my self. am tired of waiting to see what happens next. am just
> tired. do not want a other 20 years of this 31 is enough time for a rest.
> still read the mail. just don't know how to help now. so better keep mouth
> shut and say he wrong thing.
>                                               I.Y.Q.  DON  AND VIVIAN
>                                             retired,handyman,1/2 a--s
> inventor