

I need some advice from anyone who may have had similar experience with
the following:
I was taking Mirapex (1.5 mg per day) titrated from .375 mg per day over
8-9 months. I developed swollen ankles and "sleep attacks" the next 2-3
months. I tried relafin for swollen ankle, didn't work. Dr. then put
ankle in a cast for a month, that didn't work either. I read on the list
where some were having similar problems be cause of Mirapex. I stopped
Mirapex (slowly) and swollen ankles and sleep attacks were gone, 4-5
months ago. Neuro thinks I am now under medicated because of increased
tremors, slower gait, minor balance problems and increased drooling. He
says I have two options, add requip to meds or add straight Sinemet and
increase Sinemet CR ( I now take 21/2 tabs per day, 50/200 Sinemet CR)
That's my only sinemet med
I am afraid Requip will have the same side effect of swollen ankles and
"Sleep Attacks" as Mirapex did.
What would you do?
Bob Chapman 66/60/55