

Where is this self direction for good nutrition in most of the adult
population?  I think it is not to good, in fact I think it is rather poor. If
this is true, then did we lose this innate ability when we grew older?
Ron E.

[log in to unmask] wrote:

> In a message dated 2/9/00 9:46:30 AM Central Standard Time,
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> << So what you ate as a child could catch up to you later in life! For
>  instance:as a child I was anemic and had to eat foods high in
>  iron+vitamins,also a lot of fried foods,dairy foods etc. Just asking.
>  Shirley >>
> Or.... does this mean that some very early (as yet unrecognized) Parkinsons
> symptom causes us to crave (or our bodies to need) foods that are high in
> iron, fat etc........????   Could not one scenario be just as likely as the
> other.
>  As children don't we tend to eat what our body is "asking for" if it is
> available.....haven't their been studies that show that children will self
> select for good nutritional needs of their body if given the opportunity?
> Does this all lead back to "Is there anyone who ate Reese's Peanut Butter
> cups as a child who does not have PD in their later years?"
> Rita Weeks 55/10