

    This is a request on behalf of the battle against Parkinson's:
Stem Cell's are the latest thing in medical research and have created hope
for breakthroughs where there was no hope before. It shows promise of doing
good for Parkinson's, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, heart problems and
other miseries
    Stem cells are the early development cells of the fetus. They are also
the cells in the umbilical cord and placenta and can be harvested from normal
birth babies without damage to the infant. The cells can also be taken from
an aborted fetus.
    The NIH (National Institute of Health) will be releasing guidelines that
research scientist who get government money must follow. They are asking for
input up to January 31 and will then consider the various aspects (political
as well as scientific).
    Unfortunately, the extremists are all upset. (Not middle-of-the-road
ProLife people) The ultra-extreme claim that it will encourage abortions and
want to kill the research. I am conducting this letter writing and/or
petition campaign to counter their negative activities. (ProLife is not the
issue. It does not require abortions to harvest the cells although cells can
come from an aborted fetus.)
    I need to help maximize stem cell research. If I'm going down with this
Parkinson's I'm going down fighting. I'm asking you to help me fight by
getting friends, neighbors (and others) to sign a petition -- or better yet,
write letters. Sample letters are available. It's okay to copy a letter
    I need the petitions back by February 21, so I can FAX them before the
new deadline of Feb 22.
    Can I hear from you.............. Sid Levin
PS: Petitions look terrible as an attachment. If you have access to a Fax
unit advise. If not let me know and we can approach this another way.
BUT- Take action. Be a doer. ........ Sid

Thanks for whatever help you can give!

Sid Levin, 51 Cornell Ave, Larkspur, CA 94939