

Claudia -

I didn't know primary dystonia was a form of Parkinson's.  I was under the
impression it was entirely different.  The only person I know with primary
dystonia is a friend of a friend, so I don't know her, or her condition,
well.  However, I know she takes botulinum (I think that's what it's called -
a form of botulism) injections to calm the dystonia.

You mentioned difficulty with proprioception.  I believe that's difficulty
with perceiving where your body is in space.  Would that be correct?  I know
Parkinsonian's seem to lack that "feedback loop" that tells them they're
tilting or stooping or twisting or doing something other than normal.  Is
that the sort of thing you mean?

Margie Swindler     cg for Dick, 55/18

<< I am 57 years old and have Parkinsons since age 35, diagnosed at age 41.
 has progressed very slowly, and I have had a pretty good life.  I think my
 exact diagnosis is: Young onset hereditary primary Dystonial.  >>